Geräte Limit 10
User Limit 2
E-Mail Alarme unlimitiert
SMS /Voice Call Alerts 75 pro Monat
365 SensorLog
Multigraphen und PDF Reports 2
Open API
HWg Monitor mobile
Device limit > a maximum number of HW group devices that can be connected to the Team account; the number of connected sensors is limited only by how many sensors can be connected to a particular HW group device.
Users limit > maximum number of users that can be connected to one Team account.
SMS and Phone Call alerts limit > a maximum number of SMS and Phone Calls alerts which can send to provided phone number per 1 month.
Log DB [days] limit > the time period for which data and values from devices and sensors are logged and can be viewed retrospectively; history
PDF reports > how many independent PDF reports can be generated (stored/sent by email) monthly
Multigraphs > Graphs that combine several sensor values, how many is available in the portal user account
Dashboards > The number of dashboards in one account. The purpose of dashboards is to quickly summarize/analyze states of defined group of devices and sensors (e.g. accordingly to different locations, technology...)
Open API (SNMP, XML) > XML over HTTP or SNMP protocols with summary of all sensor/device values from user account. Connect the portal as data source to any higher system
Price/year > price for using The Service; usually for one year
Weitere Daten
Remote monitoring
You can monitor temperature, humidity, power consumption, battery voltage, intrusion, smoke, motion, water leaks and many more…
Event alerts
Create a safe range for your sensor and get alarmed over SMS or e-mail. All events are logged and reported. More safe ranges are available.
Reports and graphs
Generate automatic reports and see all data in graphs with visible safe range limits. Recorded data can be as XLS, CSV, PDF, JPG, SVG and more.
Remote output control
Any device with output can automatically respond to alarms from any sensor. Automated conditions and manual output control are available.
Connect to third-party systems with open API
Send your SensDesk data to other applications and third-party systems using XML, MQTT, SNMP or Modbus TCP